Specialists in Equine & Canine
Therapy & Physical Conditioning
If you have any concerns about your horse or dog’s physical condition or performance contact us for advice or treatment.
World Class advice and treatment for every horse & dog
McGregor & Pringuer is the UK’s leading equine osteopathy practice
McGregor DogCare for arthritis or injuries in pets or sports competitors
McGregor provide postgraduate courses to qualify as animal osteopaths
McGregor & Pringuer is the UK’s foremost equine osteopathy practice. We see thousands of horses every year. They range from famous horses of famous owners and trainers and, equally, to sport, club and leisure horses and ponies.
To us a horse is a horse whatever his fame or fortune - and each is totally equal and deserving when it comes to ensuring its health and wellbeing.
We treat animals across the UK - and overseas when required - and the practice is administered from our office in Wantage, Oxfordshire. Stuart McGregor and Iain Pringuer are the principal practitioners and travel widely in the country to treat customer’s animals.
In the UK, the treatment of animals must be controlled by a qualified vet and no therapist can treat your animal without your vet’s permission. McGregor Group has an excellent relationship with vet practices. If you would like us to treat your animals other than in the UK please check with the veterinary authorities in your country to see if veterinary referral is required.
McGregor & Pringuer Equine

For information email
or contact us at 07785 717814